Monday, August 5, 2013

History Never Lie...... Laid -  Back Mattancherry 

Mattancherry, the western part of the corporation of Cochin,was once a bustling centre of trade,particularly in spices.Invasions from across the sea were frequent and these and these conquests left ildeliable marks on the landscape,culture,art and social history of the place.

Mattancharry welcomed every migrant community that came to her with warmth and provided them with ample opportunities to flourish.Thanks to the benevolence of the erstwhile kings of Cochin,many a community likes that of Jews,Konkanis,Gujaratis,Jains and marathis made the place their home. Even today Mattancharrey has people of different tongues and ethnic identities.

The Jewish Street in Mattancherry

I have been waiting  at Marine drive with a great patiences for the ferry to reach in Mattancherry. I eagerly grabbed my side seat and started clicking photographs. Finally I stepped into the laid back historical city to witness and experience in its entirety. I couldn't bottle up my emotions when my eyes ransacked the beauty of the island.   

Ferry taking passengers to Mattancherry

You will marvel at the architecture of what are some of the most stunning and captivating historical attractions that Mattancharrey offers.

The frame of this island is completely different from the bustling Cochin city.The roads are spic and span. People here are very friendly, no honking, no traffic jam, plenty of trees and most of the people prefer to commute by walk and cycle.

The favorites of Mattancerry


The interminable street shops have plethora of antiques and Indian craft. You can buy the old wall clocks, gramophone, camera, chandeliers, binocular and many more as per your wish and price range.

Antique shop

Colorful lanterns

bowing down in front of the discovers   

 You will find the authentic spices at the another end of the street without being told by anybody because the moment you reach, the air is filled with the magical aroma of spices like cardamom, pepper, cinnamon, Cummins, dry chili , saffron, dry ginger, coriander etc..

The fragrance and oils shops are the favorite of international tourists; the verities are like sandal wood oil, rose wood oil, lotus flower oil, water lily, white gardenia oils etc. The fragrance of oils gives you a refreshing feeling as you feel yourself being bathed in various aromas.

Antique Lanterns and Chandlers 

Street Vendors 

Fragrance  shop


The Kerala art gallery which showcases the biggest urulli (braze vessel)  in the world, the snake boat which used for Onam celebration by the king who ruled in the era of Dutch, the dilapidated pillars of the old palace, brass status and oil lamps.

Snake Boat 

The biggest Braze vessel in the world 

The Dutch palace:

The Portuguese had initially built the Mattancheery Palce in 1557 and had gifted it to the Raja of Cochin.The exterior of the Mattancherry Palace is fairly ornaments,stark white walls,sloping brown roofs and trees from the picture. Ots a two-storied,quadrangular building,with a small temple dedicated to the deity palayannur Bhagwati in the central courtyard-on either side of it are smaller shrines to krishna and Shiva.

The dutch palace

Mattancharrey Synagogue also known as Paradesi Synagogue and Dutch Synagogue is the oldest existing Synagogue among common wealth nations.The synagogue is situated near the Dutch palace,known also as Mattancharrey palace.It is so close to the palace that both share a single wall.It was built by the people of Cochin Jewish Community in the year 1568 on the land gifted by Raja Rama Varma,then ruler of Cochin.  

This clock still shows the accurate time

The buildings are well maintained and retains the beauty of the era in its purity and unmatched charm. The intricate carvings on the street beckons the art and skills of the era. I wind up the visit by evening and moved to the next destination. 

Intricate hand made carving  

Handy Tips:

Cochin is well connected by Road, Rail and Air
There is no ATM facility in Mattancherry
Most of the shops accept Credit / Debit cards
How to Reach: - Ferry / Bus
Best time to visit: September to April
You can finish the sightseeing in half day.
There are not many good restaurants.

John Antony
Photo Journalist (Travel & Food Joints)

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